online business blog
Advice and inspiration
Need advice about entrepreneurship? Which tools to use for online business management? What to know more about digital marketing? The Blu Mint blog provides inspiration and solutions to get your business running online.
SEO content writing vs copywriting: Are they different?
The term "SEO content writing" is perhaps a bit of a misnomer. Isn't it just copywriting with keywords added? If there is a difference, does it even matter?
Tools for creating the best converting landing pages
Converting landing pages are a vital cog of every online business. You cannot pump out a blog post each week hoping that this will capture new business.
Top 5 factors you need to create a killer content strategy
A killer content strategy is one of the best strategies online businesses can create. But how do you create a content roadmap to make yours awesome?
How to create great content without any experience
Content marketing is a method to build your brand's identity in a way that's personable and attractive to a potentially large audience of internet users
Complete guide to successful landing page
Complete guide to successful landing page will help to generate new leads and target suitable audiences. Positive ROI (Return On Investment).