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How to write SEO articles that rank: A Q&A Guide (+ SEO AI)

Writing SEO articles that rank highly in search engines is both an art and a science. It requires a blend of strategic keyword research, a deep understanding of search intent, and the ability to craft engaging informative content.

In this Q&A guide, I’ll share the essential steps and best practices I’ve learned for creating SEO-friendly articles that attract traffic and provide value to readers. The SEO writing process involves several key steps and strategies, including the pre-writing phase, thorough keyword research, content promotion, and utilizing various tools to enhance the overall effectiveness of your content.

I’ll address common challenges I’ve encountered, such as how to start SEO content writing, the role of tools like ChatGPT in generating SEO content, and the steps to ensure your articles are fully optimised for search engines.

Whether you’re a seasoned content marketer or a beginner, this comprehensive Q&A will provide actionable insights to enhance your SEO writing skills.

What is SEO writing?

SEO writing involves planning, creating, and optimising content to rank in search engines like Google. The SEO writing process includes several steps, such as keyword research, content creation, and optimization. It also includes keyword research, crafting top-notch content aligned with user intent, and organizing content under headers.

Why is SEO writing important for search engines?

SEO writing is crucial because it helps you reach more people interested in your content. When you write with SEO, your content will likely be discovered on Google. SEO writing acts as a bridge, guiding search engine users to your content. Following a structured SEO writing process can significantly improve your chances of ranking higher in search engines.

How to write SEO articles that rank

Find a winning keyword

The SEO writing process begins with keyword research, the first step in creating SEO content. Identify and target keywords that make sense for your website, ensuring they align with your target keyword. For instance, if you own an online shop that sells tea, you might target the keyword “tea recommendations.”

Choose secondary keywords

Secondary keywords are closely related to your primary keyword. Use SEO tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, and SurferSEO to find secondary keywords, also called “natural language programming”. These can include synonyms, related subtopics, or long-tail variations of your primary keyword. Choosing secondary keywords is an integral part of the SEO writing process.

Let competitors do your keyword research

Over 90% of blog posts receive zero traffic from Google, but keyword research can increase the chances of getting traffic. Use keyword tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, Moz, and KW Finder to find similar websites and target keywords.

Analyse your competitors’ top-performing pages and note down their keywords. Additionally, utilise various SEO tools such as SEO Surfer, Frase, and SEO Minion for comprehensive keyword research and optimisation. Analyzing competitors' keywords is a valuable step in the SEO writing process.

Match search intent

Search intent is the reason behind a search query. Align your content with search intent to rank high on Google search results. For example, if you search for “how to make money,” most top-ranking pages list ways to save money. Aligning content with search intent is a key component of the SEO writing process.

Cover everything searchers want to know

Broadly align your page with search intent. Include every subtopic searchers expect and want to see. Look at common keywords the top-ranking pages rank for to discover important subtopics. Covering all relevant subtopics is an essential part of the SEO writing process.

Create a blog post outline

Create an outline to help organize your web page content, as it is a crucial step in the SEO writing process. Match search intent, be comprehensive, and write from a unique angle. Use ChatGPT to generate an outline for you.

Structure content with subheadings

Subheadings (H2-H6) are miniature titles that divide your content into sections. Use subheadings to structure your content and make it easier to read and understand. Use Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant to check the readability of your content.

Using subheadings is an important part of the SEO writing process.

Write your draft

Write your draft as a crucial step in the SEO writing process without worrying too much about perfecting the words. Get the words out and then review your draft to ensure you’ve included all the keywords and that it meets search intent. SEO writing tools, such as those available on Ahrefs, can make this process easier and more effective.

Write growth-focused content

Growth-focused content aims to increase a website’s traffic and improve search rankings. Creating content around SEO-friendly topics can help connect with the target audience and engage them with informative content.

Creating growth-focused content is an essential part of the SEO writing process.

Write for netizens, not English teachers

Write for a general audience, not just for English teachers. Use simple language and short sentences to make the content easy to scan. You can use the Fleisch reading score to help you but don’t obsess over it.

Writing for a general audience is an important part of the SEO writing process.

Leverage keywords in your content

Incorporate your researched keywords organically into your content. Avoid keyword stuffing, which involves using keywords unnaturally.

Use Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant to check whether your keywords are used correctly and to analyse competitor websites for better visibility in search engine result pages. Leveraging keywords effectively is a key component of the SEO writing process.

Optimise your title tags for clicks

Optimise your title tag for clicks by using a specific number, writing intriguing titles, or analysing your title using CoSchedule’s headline analyser tool. Write title tags that are under 60 characters to avoid truncation. Include the primary keyword in the title tag. Optimizing title tags is an important step in the SEO writing process.

Write a compelling meta-description

Write a unique meta description for every page on your site. Use relevant keywords and phrases to make your meta descriptions eye-catching and compelling. Writing compelling meta descriptions is an essential part of the SEO writing process.

Add images with alt text

Alt text is part of HTML code that describes the appearance or function of website images or infographics. Alt text is essential for SEO and accessibility; images account for more than 22% of all search queries.

Adding images with alt text is an important step in SEO writing.

Use links strategically

Links are an important SEO factor. Use internal and external links strategically. Internal links help Google understand the relevance and relationship between different pages on a website. External links determine the SEO relevance and popularity of a website or page.

Using links strategically is a key component of the SEO writing process.

Link to external pages and resources

Use outbound links to authority sites to improve your page’s Google rankings. Add external links to help your site visitors learn more about topics.

Linking to external pages and resources is essential to the SEO writing process.

Finalising Your SEO Article

Get feedback, then edit and polish the draft

Get feedback from others to point out inaccuracies and improve your writing. Revise your writing accordingly and start polishing your article. Provide the best possible answer most efficiently. Finalizing the article is the last step in the SEO writing process.

Strategically promote your content

Promote your content to increase its visibility and ranking. Use social media, email newsletters, and other channels to promote your content.

Can AI write SEO articles?

Can ChatGPT write SEO articles?

Yes, ChatGPT can write SEO articles. By providing it with the right prompts and information, you can generate SEO-friendly content that includes keywords, meets search intent, and is well-structured. But, you must be precise, and I find it easier to break down the intent by each H2 section. I also uploaded a list of secondary keywords I asked ChatGPT to insert throughout the article. Additionally, AI tools like Perplexity AI can assist in the SEO writing process by helping auto-generate an SEO-optimised title, featured image, intro, and sourced content sections.

Don't forget to customise your layout, add sections/media, and even plug your products/services. Then once again use Perplexity AI to publish the page, and you'll get a link to share or let it rank in Google search results

How do you get ChatGPT to write SEO content?

To get ChatGPT to write SEO content, provide clear instructions, including the target keywords, main topics, and any specific requirements. You can also ask ChatGPT to generate outlines, titles, and meta descriptions to ensure the content is SEO-optimised. Providing clear instructions to AI is a crucial step in the SEO writing process.

SEO AI tip

The more detailed your prompts are, the better ChatGPT will write for you. Include using the active voice, using sources within the last couple of years, telling it to use bullet points and so on. Specify any SEO elements you want, such as meta descriptions, title tags, or specific keyword placements. When using AI, detailed prompts are an important part of the SEO writing process.

SEO post-content creation

How do I know if my article is SEO optimised?

Check if your article is SEO-optimised using SEO tools like Semrush or Ahrefs to analyse keyword usage, readability, and overall structure. Ensure your content includes relevant keywords, proper headings, meta descriptions, and internal/external links. Post-content creation tasks are part of the SEO writing process.

How do I optimise existing content for SEO?

Optimise existing content by conducting a content audit to identify areas for improvement. Update keywords, enhance readability, add or update meta descriptions, and incorporate internal and external links. Use SEO tools to track performance and make necessary adjustments.

How do you rank an article in SEO?

To rank an article in SEO, ensure it is well-researched, engaging, and optimised for target keywords. Use proper headings, meta descriptions, and alt text for images. Promote the article through social media and backlinks from authoritative sites. Ranking an article is the ultimate goal of the SEO writing process.